I am a proactive creator of systems, spaces and products

I’ve designed buildings, websites, software, databases and workflows

My work explores concepts and strategies of physical and digital spaces

I am interested in ecosystems and understanding their connections

  • Projects in Information Experience Design is a digital product design studio, under the Pratt DX Center, that collaborates with non-profit and community based organizations to redesign their websites and information systems. Student teams collaborate with clients and go through a full project lifecycle - from research to design - to develop Figma prototypes.

    Completed 15 designs; 6 fully or partially built by clients

  • Public is an investment platform focused on multi-asset portfolios

    Role: Lead Researcher for Infrastructure and Growth teams

    Projects: UX research studies informed product roadmap, subscription model and usability; created an insights database linking departmental research silos

    Key Results: Improved UX for researching investment decisions to ensure investor confidence

  • Key Project: Afghani Refugee Resettlement Database to support refugee relocation efforts in the U.S. in collaboration with a network of refugee-ambassadors

  • NYC Mayor’s Office of the CTO uses technology to improve online social services

    Role: UX research on a team embedded within the Department of Finance

    Project: Redesigned the NYC’s CityPay portal supporting 27 city departments

    Key Results: Improved interface with focus on language accessibility to reflect NYC population diversity leading to increased revenue while decreasing bounce rate

  • Introduction to Architectural Design is a studio that teaches fundamental workflows, strategies and methodologies for designing buildings using 3D-modeling software


Previous collaborators

National Gallery of Art

Transportation Alternatives

CUNY CityTech, OpenLab

One Degree Impact

Mind Over Pain

Travel Unity

Witness to Mass Incarceration

Edgemere Farms

New York Mycological Society

New York Microscopical Society


Welcome to Chinatown

Fibromyalgia Care Society of America

Rescue City



Master’s of Science in Advanced Architectural Design, 2018

Bachelor’s of Architecture, Syracuse University, 2015


Work Influences

Buckminister Fuller’s Spaceship Earth

Stewart Brand’s Whole Earth Catalog

Emma Williard’s The Temple of Time

Mariabruna Fabrizi and Fosco Lucarelli’s Database, Network, Interface

Wendy Fok’s digitalStructures

Nicholas Negroponte’s The Architecture Machine

Cedric Price and John Frazer’s The Generator Project



Edgemere Farm (Link)

Rockaway Initiative for Sustainability and Equity (Link)

Laru Beya (Link)

Last updated: June 2024